Thursday, March 8, 2018

Newborn Photo Sessions - To Shoot, or Not to Shoot?

Pardon the cliché Hamlet line, but this question, when it applies to newborn photo sessions, is one that 'once upon a time' I too was faced with. Now, as a parent/photographer with teenagers (pause to sniffle) I approach it with a completely different perspective than I once did.

For me, starting out with little ones (before I was bitten by the photo bug), I remember waiting until my babies were three months old before taking them in to be photographed. My reasoning was that by that time, they looked more like themselves. I guess I felt that newborns were still a bit ... well, new. Their skinny, wrinkly little bodies needed time to plump up before they looked more like their true selves. They changed so quickly. It's funny how that same argument is exactly why I now hold the opposite point of view.

 I have four children. Once they were scrawny little monsters running around the house eating jam straight from jars and climbing to the top of the piano if not constantly watched. I had three boys first, and then a little girl. With my boys, I waited to have their pictures made until they were three months old. I thought that was just fine, but when I had my daughter, a dear friend in Huntsville, Alabama ( offered to do a newborn shoot for me. I jumped at the chance and brought my daughter to her when she was only five days old. Her chord hadn't even come off yet. Before you cringe, I have to say that those pictures, my daughter's first days on this planet, are more special to me than any other pictures I had taken, or have taken myself. Ever. Because she changed so quickly, I look back at those beginnings with awe and love and humility at how far she has come. I really wish I had done the same with my boys.

Raising kids is about change. Constant, never ending, change. Because your little person is going to change so quickly, capturing those first moments, within the first week or two, is so important!

So, there you have it. To shoot or not to shoot? Shoot. Absolutely. Is it a waste of time and money? I can promise you, it definitely is not. Find a photographer who matches your style and don't hesitate. Life moves so quickly. You will always be happy you did.

Here are a few simple newborn shots I took recently of a five-day-old angel:

My Thousand Words

Ten years ago my husband and I made the decision to leave everything we knew and find out what the world had in store for us. It was not an easy decision - the road less traveled - I guess you could call it. I began to realize then and even more so now, how quickly time passes.

Eight years ago, I discovered a new love. A way for me to hold on to time even for just a split-second.

Photography is more than just taking pictures. For me it is a way to freeze a moment so that ten years down the road - when I have nearly forgotten it - I can stumble on an image and experience that moment again.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and the images you'll find here and on my gallery site are mine. Thank you for visiting.


About Me

My photo
About five years ago, my husband and I decided it was time to take our family on a little adventure. In consequence, he accepted a job with the U.S. State Department and we've been traveling the world ever since. Our small-town 'Alabama babies' had the world thrust upon them as we moved from Washington D.C. to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and then on to Manila, Philippines. Life abroad is full of ups and downs, but the experiences we've gained are priceless. As we approach another move, (This time to Belgium!) I feel a desire to share some of these experiences (good and bad) with you all. The most important help for me in surviving this "exciting" life we have chosen, has been to learn the art of being flexible. Things rarely turn out the way we plan, but that's okay. We are learning to take things in stride and doing our best to enjoy the ride!